There are 7 types of deal sources.

Let’s play a little Family Feud.


What are they?

If you know this, you know where to start.

(Will fill these in as people guess correctly. Perhaps even some semi-legit prizes.)

Survey Says…

1. Experts/influencers – coaches, consultants, authors, courses, masterminds, etc (Shaurya)

2. What they read/listen to – Books, newsletters, podcasts, books, magazines, YT creators, etc (Cole)

3. Online communities (John)

4. Industry associations (Cole)

5. Software & tool providers (Danny)

6. Conferences & events (James)

7. Other products and marketing services – lead gen, SEO, FB ads, etc. (John)

Y’all are legends.

If you run a digital marketing agency…


Bonus 1: My copy and paste $100k client 4-day cash machine campaign.

Bonus 2: How we sign $1k-10k/month agency clients without phone calls using 5-minute Loom videos.

Bonus 3: Script to get a new client conversation in your inbox in under 10 minutes without ads, SEO, funnels, Google, or Facebook.

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