Success can be done your way.

A lot of people have beliefs about “should” and “have to”.

We just finished an epic live event.

Folks were surprised to find out video Frankie and real Frankie are the same guy.

I used to pretend to be overly formal. A stuck up guy in a suit.

Because I thought that’s what my market wanted.

I didn’t always swear like a trucker and make stupid jokes.

There is only one you.

You were born an original.

Don’t die a copy.

That means…

* If you’re an extrovert and get energy talking to people, do that.

* If you just like running ads in the background, do that.

* If you hate tech, get rid of it.

* If you’re not any good at cold outreach, build a system where you don’t need to.

Keep the pieces you love. Keep the stuff that you love.

Build the biz your way.

It’s the only real way to lasting success.

Random thoughts on a Wednesday in Mexico.

May the force be with you.

If you run a digital marketing agency…

…get a copy of my book: