Money Leverage 101

Big leverage = small effort x big cash output

Little or no leverage = big effort x small cash output

This post is a deep one. Brace yourself.

Energy is a hidden metric.

It’s why so many people trade copious amounts of effort…

…for a modest little bit of cash.

They don’t realize the energy for money tradethey’re making…

…well, it’s inefficient as fuck.

You see this in the form of…

*Sending 10’s of 1000s of cold messages

*Filling calendars with booked calls of strangers who barely know who they are (…let alone want to buy their shit)

*Split testing 100 different FB ads (Plus, Facebook ads are the opposite of “set and forget”)

*Trying to find setters, closers, and teams of sales pros

*Building Frankestein funnels, tech, follow up, etc.

Those things all work. But they’re leverage poor.

Whenever we want new biz…

…in any niche…

…here’s what we’ve done.

1. Figure where all the buyer flow is already.

For a couple bucks, have a VA follow our process.

They research exactly what everyone is buying and who they are buying it from.

Get a list of those people.

Those people almost always have audiences and put out valuable content.

2. Reach out to them and add value to their audience.

This gets us in front of 1000’s of buyers all at once.

You can do 7-figures plus with just this one step.

3. Share cool ideas with their audience and record it.

These recordings kill multiple birds with one stone.

They (a) provide immediate warm inbound leads, (b) double as winning ads, and (c) we use them in automated email nurture sequences.

4. Let the influencer do all the editing and posting on social… no hashtags, thumbnails, or SEO to worry about.

5. Get people to reach out because they “saw us on [blah blah blah]”.

We prequalify and close those people with a video.

And the whole damn thing creates a repeatable machine.

Add you’re adding value to people’s lives every step of the way.

Remember that hidden metric? If you add up all the units of energy…

…the magic is what it DOESN’T have.

1000 of hours of messaging? Nope.

100’s of hours of sales calls? Nope.

100’s of hours editing clips? Nope.

100’s of hours posting to social? Nope.

100’s of different ads to test? Nope.

All that to hopefully get a few more clients.

In fact, it looks more like this…

*Ask our VA to follow our process and build a list. (One 30 second message to a VA + $20.)

*Send 1-5 messages per week (Around 5 minutes total.)

Record a valuable piece of content (5-60 minutes typically per piece.)

*Editing, chopping, posting, tagging, and thumbnailing (0 because they distribute it for us.)

*Send a video to interested prospects (One time 5 minute recording + 10 minutes of prep + each time 14 seconds of copy and pasting a video link.)

Then once the deals come in…

…we just amplify what’s working.

* Send the content links to a VA.

VA adds new working piece to automated email nurture sequence.

Then boosts what’s already working with paid ads. (30 second message to VA + a few dollars of execution)

As my old Italian mentor used to say… Badda bing. Badda boom. And getting clients is just one place we’ve figured out leverage.

Because with similar processes, you can eliminate 80% of your client meetings and 100% of your hiring interviews. Though that’s a conversation for another day.

In this humble old daddy’s opinion…

…the goal is not the highest MRR possible.

It’s to do it with the least amount of energy inputs.

Otherwise, you build a machine that you can’t get out of.

Random thoughts on a Wednesday in Mexico.

May the force be with you.

If you run a digital marketing agency…

…get a copy of my book: