This message was to the head of one of the industry associations… AKA a deal source.

They let me write an article in their magazine.

They also do conferences, events, workshops, a regular podcast, webinars, and stuff like that.

I plan on contributing to those too.

One of the simplest things you can do to expand key relationships is….

…say thank you.

It sounds so unbelievably simple…

…but I’ve probably referred 100’s of agency owners to different things this year alone. Software, services, resources, tools, etc.

It’s rare somebody comes back later and says thanks…

…or updates me how it went.

We use a service called Handwrytten. It drops old-fashioned thank you notes in the mail.

It’s not an accident when people want to do more biz.

Even more powerful if you thank staff and team members. People who helped make it happen.

One of my mentors used to say, “If someone sent us 1 referral and we said thanks, they sent 2. If someone sent us 2 referrals and we acknowledge them publically, they sent 4.”

When you appreciate people for helping you out…

…good things happen.

Random thoughts on a Monday in Mexico.

May the force be with you.

If you run a digital marketing agency…

…get a copy of my book: