
Weekly Q&A

Topics include: * I have a potential client who converts their customers offline that I’d like to do revenue share with, rather than a monthly fixed fee. Any tips on how to set this up for success? * If we’re targeting clients big enough, with enough products to sell (for rev share) they probably already […]

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Weekly Q&A

Topics include: * I have a potential client who converts their customers offline that I’d like to do revenue share with, rather than a monthly fixed fee. Any tips on how to set this up for success? * If we’re targeting clients big enough, with enough products to sell (for rev share) they probably already

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Today, I challenge you.

Think of your 1-5 year goal as a 90-day goal. What big bold actions are needed now? What big bold actions get you exactly where you want in 90-days? Bold actions are rarely more “activity”. They are bigger actions. With more “oomph” behind them. It‘s the difference between moving 8 pawns on the chessboard (activity)…

Today, I challenge you. Read More »

Weekly Q&A

Topics include: * Love to get an update on the market and the best agency management system agency owners doing 100k/pm+ are using to manage their team? * Hi guys, I have a client (Author) who has done an ebook on effective ranching. He has already sold 300+ copies through a few podcasts. The main

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Overrated: Stripe screenshots. Underrated: Retention.

If you’re around this game long enough… You’ll see folks screenshotting payments from those… “I’ll give you gigantic overpromised results or I’ll pay you $1000” offers. And then have refund requests. Pissed off customers 2 months later. Real businesses don’t operate that way. The most successful agency owners don’t typically post stripe screenshots. Why? Because

Overrated: Stripe screenshots. Underrated: Retention. Read More »

“If you prove you can make it work for $300, I’ve got dozens of people for you down the road.”

This is a free public service announcement. This is a bad client. Run. There is no future work down the road. It’s just a carrot to hold in front of the donkey. A carrot that never gets reached. Sometimes your best move is to walk away. Have had a few variations of people asking about

“If you prove you can make it work for $300, I’ve got dozens of people for you down the road.” Read More »

Weekly Q&A

Topics include: * Thoughts on the Alex Hormozi book launch? * Alex H. Stresses making offers soo good, that people would be crazy to say no. I’ve seen new marketers have some very undervalued offers. What’s the craziest offers you’ve seen or done yourself? How did it play out? * Id love to ask you

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