
“Do one thing.”

“Stay focused.” “Avoid distractions.” This is great advice for most people. But I don’t know about the rest of you…? …but I’m just not built that way. I wish I could just do one thing forever and never get distracted. But I have to try new shit. For years, every book told me I was

“Do one thing.” Read More »

Weekly Q&A

Topics include: * I am Running ads on Facebook and Google ads for Solar to my landing page. I planned to do retargeting on Facebook for Google clicks. My marketing guy says that it is impossible since Facebook can’t talk to Google. I suspect that he is B.S. He said that i should retarget all

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A lot of people struggle to attract folks with money.

They unknowingly make offers that appeal to broke folks. And often falsely conclude the problem is their niche. I hate to be the bearer of bad news… …but it ain’t the niche. It’s not because realtors/dentists/ecomm/HVAC/etc are broke and it’s too competitive. It’s who they’re targeting within their niche. There are broke lawyers and $500,000,000

A lot of people struggle to attract folks with money. Read More »

Weekly Q&A

Topics include: * Hi my fellow agency owners, just curious how is everyone keeping track on the sales person in your agency in terms of the commission, incentives, clawback, KPI, etc? * Any courses in marketing anybody recommends, short courses or anything online? * I gotta jump on a call in a minute so I’ll

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Don’t know about the rest of you…

…but if I listen to 20 “agency gurus”… …it’s obvious that 15 of them have never run this biz for even 5-minutes. Especially the “just send a bazillion DMs and booked appointments” types. No talk of world-class fulfillment. Onboarding. Teams. Systems. Processes. Hiring. Training. Reporting. Communication. Account managers. Retention. Getting results. Etc etc. There is

Don’t know about the rest of you… Read More »